The unit for which Radio Mobile determines the effect of radio propagation.

In analysis of radio coverage, Radio mobile will evaluate all bin's in the current map window. The size of the bin influences the resolution of the result. This will also affect the time that a analysis takes.

A bin contains x pixels from the image. A example:

A map window is 1000 x 1000 pixels and covers 100 x 100 Km. Each pixel in the map window represents 100 x 100 meters.

When the bin size is 1 pixel, the bin covers 100 x 100 meters.
When the bin size is 5 pixels, the bin represents 500 x 500 meters.

In a map window, using 1 pixel bins, 1.000.000 calculations have to be made per base station that is evaluated.

In a map window, using 5 pixel bins, 40.000 calculations have to be made per base station that is evaluated. This is a reduction of 96 % in time!