In addition to the raster data in Radio Mobile (DEM, maps, images) Radio Mobile can display objects. Object data in Radio Mobile is known as:

These objects can be created and edited in 'Tools > object editor'

Also these objects can be created outside Radio Mobile

How does Radio Mobile handle objects?

The switch to enable drawing objects is in 'picture properties'. Here the checkbox 'Draw objects'and 'Draw cities' are involved together with the 'object drive/path'

object path

Objects are initially stored in the folder 'objects'. This is configureable. So if you have a set of objects for a specific project it is suggested that you create a folder in 'objects' and put the sepcific objects there. If you have selected a specific folder for your objects all objects in the folder will be toggled using the 'Draw objects' checkbox.


Cities are treated different from the objects. They have a more general function. The file is situated in the 'root' folder or Radio Mobile where also the Radio Mobile executeable is found.
the format of 'cities.dat' is described in the 'file format' chapter.

cities.dat is also used as a sort of database in wich units and their position can be stored from the 'units properties' menu. Also units or ojects in cities.dat can be copied in to the list of units.

The presentation of the point information in 'cities.dat' a label ON the coordinate. This differs from the labels.dat where the position around the coordinate can be set.

The data in 'cities.dat' is toggled on and off using the 'Draw cities' checkbox in 'picture properties'.


Object data is layered bij Radio Mobile. One object file can put up on another this way a layered structure is used. To make this happen the file format of object files has som rules.


The label file 'labels.dat' is described in 'file formats'. The font settings for cities in picture properties apply to object labels. The label position ranges from 0 to 3 (for each of the four corners) and 4 (for centre)

See also at the 'Definitions' for 'Label objects'

Line objects

The line files are in Ozi explorer '.plt' format. The format is described in 'file formats'.

See also at the 'Definitions' for 'Line objects'.

Polygon objects

The polygon objects are as lines stored in Ozi explorer '.plt' format. The format is described in
'file formats'.

See also at the 'Definitions' for 'Polygon objects'

Do you need object files?
RFSee offers free object files.