This file holds the mathematical results of a cartasian plot analysis.
The file is a list of points at which the fieldstrength is calculated and determinated which of the participating units is the strongest.

The syntax of the cartasianraster.txt file is:


List of fixed units:
Fixed unit[tab]<UnitNumber>[tab]<UnitName>[tab]<Latitude>[tab]<Longitude>[tab]<GroundHeight>

Mobile unit used in this analysis:
Mobile unit [tab]<>[tab]<>[tab]<>[tab]<>[tab]<>

List of points in table form:
Latitude Longitude Rx(dB) Best unit
1st unit in the row
Last unit in the row


Variable Comment
range range in dB between the lowest (minimum) and the highest (maximum) value in the anlaysis result
min_level The lowest absolute level in dBm in this analysis

Unit variables


Variable Comment
UnitNumber unique numer that is applied to the unit used in this analysis
UnitName Unit Name is specified in 'Unit properties'
Latitude(°) Latitude in degrees.decimal degrees
Longitude(°) longitude in degrees.decimal degrees
GroundHeight Ground elevation of the unit in meters

Point variables

Variable Comment
Latitude(°) Latitude in degrees.decimal degrees
Longitude(°) longitude in degrees.decimal degrees
RSSI RSSI in dB relative to the minimum coverage threshold used for the plot.
StrongestUnit Number that represents the strongest unit.

Example file:

Range    70,5dB    -118,6dBm
Fixed unit    6    ANT     52,59292     005,05209    0,0
Mobile unit    7    Mobile     00,00000     000,00000    9,0
Latitude    Longitude    Rx(dB)    Best unit
 52,74971     004,71522    -012,6    6
 52,74971     004,71956    -010,0    6
 52,74972     004,72390    -012,8    6