This function can be call using the [F12] key.

Opens a form in order to initiate analysis of the Radio link from a point to a point.
The points in this analysis are objects and retrieved from a network. Also it is possible to analyse from the transmitter to any point on the radio link. This point has to be clicked on by the mouse.

Window types

The radio link tool enables to evaluate a radio link. All relevant information is displayed in this tool.
The radio link tool displays in formation in 4 ways:

On the bottom of the window the Transmitter, Receiver, Net and frequency are displayed.

Relation of the radio link to the current map window

The radio link is directly coupled to the current map window and displays on the map the analysed radio link.

Radio link window Current map window

TX and RX

The cursor is set at the RX unit and the complete radio link is analysed.

TX to Cursor

The cursor is set at the RX unit and the complete radio link is analysed.

Swap function

The swap function swaps the TX and RX unit.


Radio link window Current map window

TX and RX

The cursor is set at the RX unit and the complete radio link is analysed.

TX and RX Reversed (RX to TX)

The cursor is set at the RX unit and the complete radio link is analysed.


Initial the frequency is copied from the 'Network properties - Parameters' but can be changed to the meet the requirements for the analysis.


This is the net in which both Transmitter and receiver are member. When Transmitter and receiverare member of more Nets those nets can be selected.

All values in the Transmitter and Receiver plane are related to the link budget. See 'how to > Link budgets'


This information applies to the Transmitter in the evaluated link.

Signal meter bar
This 'S-meter' displays the RSSI of the receivers station at the Transmitter location. The Setting of the S-meter can be configured at 'Options - S-Unit'

Through a pull-down menu the required Transmitting unit can be selected.

The role that the Transmitting unit has. This is set in 'Network properties - Membership > Role of unit'

TX system name
The System name that is applied to the unit. The system is applied to the unit in in 'Network propererties - Membership' and the system is configured in 'Network properties - Systems'

TX Power
TX power of the transmitting unit as applied to the unit by the selected system. The power is expressed in Watts and dB.

Line Loss
Line loss in dB between the transmitter and the antenna of the transmitting unit as applied to the unit by the selected system.

Antenna gain
Using the [+] button the applied antenna pattern can be viewed. The purple line in the antenna pattern viewer displays the direction of the radio link with respect to the unit.

Radiated Power
The Radiated power in Eirp and Erp in Watt

Antenna Height (m)
Using the [-] and [+] button the antenna height can be altered in 0.1 meter steps. Also it is possible to enter the antenna height directly.

Note: Changes to the antenna height will be applied to the settings of the unit in 'networks properties - membership - Antenneheigth of the unit'


When the antenna height is changed in the Radio Link window the [undo] button enables. Using the undo button the antenna height is reset to the value as specified in 'Network properties - Systems'


This information applies to the Transmitter in the evaluated link.

Signal meter bar
This 'S-meter' displays the RSSI of the receivers station at the Transmitter location. The Setting of the S-meter can be configured at 'Options - S-Unit'

Through a pull-down menu the required Transmitting unit can be selected.

The role that the Transmitting unit has. This is set in 'Network properties - Membership > Role of unit'

RX system name
The System name that is applied to the unit. The system is applied to the unit in in 'Network propererties - Membership' and the system is configured in 'Network properties - Systems'

Required E-Field
The by the receiver required E-field in dB(uV/m). This is the real fieldstrength required at the antenna and is calculated from RX sensitivity, line loss, and antenna gain.

Antenna gain
Using the [+] button the applied antenna pattern can be viewed. The purple line in the antenna pattern viewer displays the direction of the radio link with respectto the unit.

RX Sensitivity
RX Sensitivity of the receiver in uV and dBm at 50 ohms.

Antenna Height (m)
Using the [-] and [+] button the antenna height can be altered in 0.1 meter steps. Also it is possible to enter the antenna height directly.

Key Strokes

Summary of keyboard Short cuts in Radio Link Pane

Do: Comment
Any click in the profile area Moves cursor to that point on the radio path
Any click in the Green data area Moves cursor to the Worst Fresnel obstruction
Shift-Left click in the profile area Moves cursor to the start of radio link
Shift-Right click in the profile area Moves cursor to the end of radio link
Up arrow in the profile area Moves cursor to the Worst Fresnel obstruction
Left arrow in the profile area Moves cursor towards the start of link
Right arrow in the profile area Moves cursor towards the end of the link
Shift-Left arrow in the profile area Moves cursor to the start of radio link
Shift-Right arrow in the profile area Moves cursor to the end of radio link
Ctrl ] Selects Receive antenna box
Ctrl [ Selects Transmit antenna box
Page Up Increases selected antenna height in 1m increments
Page Down Decreases selected antenna height in 1m increments
Shift+Page Up Increases selected antenna height in 0.1m increments
Shift+Page Down Decreases selected antenna height in 0.1m increments
Ctrl+Page Up Increases selected antenna height in 10m increments
Ctrl+Page Down Decreases selected antenna height in 10m increments
Height + button click Increases antenna height in 0.5m increments *
Height - button click Decreases antenna height in 0.5m increments *
Click on Undo button Returns selected antenna height to start value *
Click in the height box Allows manual insertion of height *
Enter Repeats an action on a selected button *
  * These actions require the use of:
Ctrl+P Transfers program focus back to the Profile Area
Ctrl + Toggles Up the picture panes in main window
Ctrl - Toggles Down the picture panes in main window
Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc. Toggles to picture pane in main window
CTRL-F1 Observe 5 degrees
CTRL-F2 Observe 10 degrees
CTRL-F3 Observe 20 degrees
CTRL-F4 Observe 40 degrees
CTRL-F5 Observe 80 degrees
CTRL-F6 Observe in a new large window