Radio Mobile - RF propagation simulation software

The following steps are to prepare your Linux computer:

  • Install Wine on your Linux computer.

In Ubunto use the software centre to install Wine. After a succefull installation Wine appears in the start-menu:

Wine in Ubuntu appearance

Also in "/home/user_name/" a directory called ".wine/" exists.


  • Now we will tweak Wine for usage with Radio Mobile.

Wine needs to be configured to utilise the 'Native' (windows) version of oleaut32.dll instead of the 'builtin' version supplied with Wine. This is done on the Libraries tab of the winecfg program like so:

1.    In winecfg select the Libraries tab, then select oleaut32 from the 'New overide for library' drop down list and click the 'Add' button.

2.    Click on oleaut32 in the Existing overrides list and click the 'Edit' button.

3.    In the resulting 'Edit Override' dialog box, select 'Native (Windows)' from the pick list and click 'OK', then OK again to exit winecfg.

The most obvious symptom of not making this change is that you will generate blank maps, but the Radio Link dialog shows the correct terrain cross section. This technique sets Wine to use the native oleaut32.dll for all applications that don't have specific Wine settings configured.

Refer to the Wine Documentation for how to set up settings that apply to only one application.

  • Install Visual Basic runtime in your Wine installation

Now we will install the required DLL (msvbvm60.dll) using winetricks: run the follwing command in a terminalsession:

  $ wget
$ sh winetricks vb6run


Folder creation:

  • Create the folder where Radio Mobile will be installed:
  • Create a data directory structure. For example:
etc ... template modified by PE1MEW