Radio Mobile - RF propagation simulation software

Land cover is a Geodata set that describes the cover of the the earth soil. In Radio planning terms it is called 'Clutter'. In this how to we will use the word 'Clutter' in stead of land cover. Land cover is described in 'terrain data > Land Cover'

Clutter classes in Radio Mobile are:

Clutter class Height (m) density (m)
00 Water 0 0
01 Evergreen Needle leaf Forest 5 100
02 Evergreen Broad leaf Forest 15 60
03 Deciduous Needle leaf Forest 3 100
04 Deciduous Needle leaf Forest 8 60
05 Deciduous Broad leaf Forest 10 70
06 Mixed Forest 5 70
07 Wooded Grassland 4 10
08 Closed Shrub land 2 10
09 Open Shrub land 1 10
10 Grassland 1 5
11 Crop land 1 5
12 Bage Ground 0 0
13 Urban and Build-up 10 100 template modified by PE1MEW