Radio Mobile - RF propagation simulation software

This file is a part of the set of files that describe a network in Radio Mobile.
The complete set of files is:

File format:

The file is in the following format:



All variables are between double quotation marks.

Variable Comment
Version Version of radio Mobile that created this file; "4000"
separator Separator that is used in this set of network data; ";"
path_map Absolute path to the used map-file;
"p:\data\mijn documenten\dares\2009\dares\"
path_picture Absolute path to the picture file;
"p:\data\mijn documenten\dares\2009\dares\dares_apd.png"
path_land Absolute path to the landheight file included;
"D:\Radio Mobile\landheight.dat"
path_Network Absolute path to the Network file;
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_Network.csv"
path_Unit Absolute path to the Unit file;
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_Unit.csv"
path_System Absolute path to the System file;
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_System.csv"
path_NetData Absolute path to the NetData file;
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_NetData.csv"

Example file:

"Radio Mobile"
"p:\data\mijn documenten\dares\2009\dares\"
"p:\data\mijn documenten\dares\2009\dares\dares_apd.png"
"D:\Radio Mobile\landheight.dat"
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_Network.csv"
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_Unit.csv"
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_System.csv"
"D:\Radio Mobile\Data\Demo_NetData.csv" template modified by PE1MEW