Radio Mobile - RF propagation simulation software

This file is a part of the set of files that describe a network in Radio Mobile.
The complete set of files is:

File format:

The file is in the following format:

"Radio Mobile"
table that describes the configured systems and their parameters. All parameters are between double quotes. Only configured units are stored in this table.


These variables are all configured in 'File > Unit properties'

Variable Comment
<headerunits> Fixed header description;
"Unit ID";"Unit name";"Enabled";"Latitude";"Longitude";
"Elevation"; "Icon";"Forecolor";"Style";"Backcolor"; "Text";"Locked"
<Unit_ID> Number that represents the ID
<Unit_name> name of the Unit
<Enabled> 1=Unit is enabled, 0=Unit is disabled
<Latitude> Latitude in degrees,decimal degrees (WGS84)
<Longitude> longitude in degrees,decimal degrees (WGS84)
<Elevation> Elevation of the unit above sea-level. The value is extracted from DEM by Radio Mobile at the moment of creation of the unit.
<Icon> Number that represents the icon in the icon folder.
See 'The program > Files > Icon' and 'The program > File formats > Icon .ico file'
<Forecolor> HEX value for the color of the text
<Style> Position of the label with respect to the icon: 1=transparent, 0=centered, 2=on the right,4=on the left, 128= no label
<Backcolor> HEX value for the background color
<Text> Comment text that can be added to the unit; see 'File > Unit properties > Unit description'
<Locked> 255=locked

Example file:

"Radio Mobile"
"Unit ID";"Unit name";"Enabled";"Latitude";"Longitude";"Elevation";"Icon";"Forecolor";"Style";"Backcolor";"Text";"Locked"
"1";"PI8CNL";"1";"52,50056";"5,478889";"-3,1";"150";"0";"1";"0";"Lelystad, street 10-01,\nFlevoland\n";"0"
"18";"Almere";"1";"52,37278";"5,223055";"-0,3";"171";"0";"1";"0";"Almere, straat 33,\nStation";"0"
"19";"Asperen";"1";"51,88109";"5,11184";"5,8";"172";"F0F0F";"1";"0";"Kerk in Asperen";"0"
"20";"Nijmegen - groesbeek";"1";"51,77336";"5,916595";"71,2";"173";"F0F0F";"1";"0";"";"0"
"22";"Sluizencomplex Tiel";"1";"51,90147";"5,45432";"5,4";"191";"F0F0F";"1";"0";"";"0"
"24";"Noord Holland";"1";"52,67558";"4,710557";"5";"176";"F0F0F";"1";"0";"";"0"
"27";"FLOODEX Medemblik";"1";"52,75962";"5,117804";"0";"54";"FFFFFF";"1";"0";"";"0"
"28";"FLOODEX Alkmaar";"1";"52,63029";"4,750895";"4,5";"69";"FFFFFF";"1";"0";"";"0"
"49";"PE1MEW";"1";"52,21037";"5,988001";"12,1";"105";"FFFFFF";"1";"0";"";"0" template modified by PE1MEW