Radio Mobile - RF propagation simulation software

This file is a part of the set of files that describe a network in Radio Mobile.
The complete set of files is:

File format:

The file is in the following format:

"Radio Mobile"
A table that describes per network what the role is of a unit.
  • Networks are per line and represented with the logical number that is associated with the network.
  • Units are per column and represented with the logical number that is associated with the Unit.
  • On the intersection of the line and column the role is represented. If the relation is not configured the value is 'NAN' or blank. This variable is <role>
A table that describes per network what system is associated to a unit.
  • Networks are per line and represented with the logical number that is associated with the network.
  • Units are per column and represented with the logical number that is associated with the Unit.
  • On the intersection of the line and column the system is represented. If the relation is not configured the value is 'NAN' or blank. This variable is <NetSystem>
A table that describes per network what antenna height is applied to a unit.
  • Networks are per line and represented with the logical number that is associated with the network.
  • Units are per column and represented with the logical number that is associated with the Unit.
  • On the intersection of the line and column the system is represented. If the relation is not configured the value is 'NAN' or blank. This variable is <Net_Ant_height>
A table that describes per network what what azimuth is applied to the antenna of that unit.
  • Networks are per line and represented with the logical number that is associated with the network.
  • Units are per column and represented with the logical number that is associated with the Unit.
  • On the intersection of the line and column the system is represented. If the relation is not configured the value is 'NAN' or blank between double quotes. This variable is <Net_Ant_Azt>
A table that describes per network what what elevation is applied to the antenna of that unit.
  • Networks are per line and represented with the logical number that is associated with the network.
  • Units are per column and represented with the logical number that is associated with the Unit.
  • On the intersection of the line and column the system is represented. If the relation is not configured the value is 'NAN' or blank between double quotes. This variable is <Net_Ant_Elev>


All variables are between double quotation marks.

Variable Comment
role Role of the unit in the associated network. 1=Command, 2=Subordinate, 3=Rebroadcast
See 'Network Properties > membership'
NetSystem The system that is associated to the unit in this network. The system description is in 'network_System.csv'
Net_Ant_height Antenna height in meters above ground level
Net_Ant_Azt Antenna azimuth in degrees in the associated network.
Net_Ant_Elev Antenna elevation in degrees in the associated network.

Example file:

"Radio Mobile"
"4";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"" template modified by PE1MEW