Radio Mobile - RF propagation simulation software

This file is the output of the 'Route radio coverage'. It holds the result of the analysis.

Result file:


Route file
< path>< routefile>
Centre unit
< centre_unit_name> < Latitude> < Longitude>
Mobile unit
< mobile_unit_name>
< network_name>
Number of records
< records>
Latitude[TAB]Longitude[TAB]Elevation(m)[TAB]Odometer(km)[TAB]Distance(km)[TAB]Azimuth(°)[TAB] Relative Signal(dB)[TAB]dBm[TAB][TAB]U(dB)[TAB]F(dB)
< latitude>[TAB]< Longitude>[TAB]< Elevation>[TAB]< odometer>[TAB]< distance>< azimuth>< relative _signal>[TAB]< absolute_Signal>[TAB]< urban_att>[TAB]< forest_att>


Variable Comment
path path to the file (c:\radiomobile\)
routefile name of the route file that is used for the analysis
centre_unit_name Name of the centre unit as configured in 'Network properties'
Latitude latitude of the centre unit in degrees.decimal degrees
Longitude Longitude of the centre unit in degrees.decimal degrees
mobile_unit_name Name of themobile unit as configured in 'unit properties'
network_name Name of the network as configured in 'Network properties'
records number of records in the file
elevation elevation of the waypoint in meters
distance distance between the current waypoint and the centre unit in meters.
azimuth azimuth from the centre unit to the current waypoint
relative signal signal in dB at the current waypoint relative to the minimum RSSI of the mobile unit. this value is set in 'unit properties'
absolute_Signal Absolute signal in dBm at the current waypoint as received by the mobile unit. This is de RSSI.
urban_att Attenuation as that was added by the urban clutter classes that are included due to the path of the radiolink.
forest_att Attenuation as that was added by the forest clutter classes that are included due to the path of the radiolink.

Example file:

Route file
Centre unit
Aarendsburght 52,21963 0
Mobile unit
VHF @ 169 MHz
Latitude Longitude Elevation(m) Odometer(km) Distance(km) Azimuth(°) Relative Signal(dB) dBm U(dB) F(dB)
52,18388 005,90643 0046,0 000,000 004,140 196,4 39,0 -81,0 0,0 13,6
52,17712 005,93811 0043,0 002,286 004,825 168,2 58,6 -61,4 0,0 5,2
52,17374 005,97255 0018,0 004,663 006,091 146,8 43,8 -76,2 2,6 6,7
52,17966 005,99596 0012,0 006,388 006,633 132,0 34,7 -85,3 11,4 3,1
52,18641 006,01525 0013,0 007,901 007,250 120,6 40,3 -79,7 16,4 0,0
52,19064 006,02764 0014,0 008,868 007,782 114,4 39,6 -80,4 13,1 2,1
52,19824 006,04968 0008,0 010,590 008,907 105,4 42,0 -78,0 2,4 9,0
52,19909 006,06070 0007,0 011,347 009,609 103,7 38,3 -81,6 2,0 9,8
Number of records 8 template modified by PE1MEW