Radio Mobile - RF propagation simulation software

Radio Mobile stores the clutter height from land cover in the file 'landheight.dat'.

For more information about land coversee 'How to > Land cover' or 'Options > elevation data'
The file is in the following format:

File location:

The file is stored in the folder where 'rmweng.exe' is located


[space]< clutterheight 00>,[space]< clutterdensity 00>
[space]< clutterheight 01>,[space]< clutterdensity 01>
[space]< clutterheight 02>,[space]< clutterdensity 02>
[space]< clutterheight 03>,[space]< clutterdensity 03>
[space]< clutterheight 04>,[space]< clutterdensity 04>
[space]< clutterheight 05>,[space]< clutterdensity 05>
[space]< clutterheight 06>,[space]< clutterdensity 06>
[space]< clutterheight 07>,[space]< clutterdensity 07>
[space]< clutterheight 08>,[space]< clutterdensity 08>
[space]< clutterheight 09>,[space]< clutterdensity 09>
[space]< clutterheight 10>,[space]< clutterdensity 10>
[space]< clutterheight 12>,[space]< clutterdensity 11>
[space]< clutterheight 13>,[space]< clutterdensity 12>
[space]< clutterheight 00>,[space]< clutterdensity 13>


The file starts with the identifier to Radio Mobile that this is a label file.

Variable Comment
clutterheight class xx the height in meters that is applicable for the clutterclasses
clutterdensity class xx the density in % that is applicable for the clutterclasses

Sample file:

0, 0
5, 100
15, 60
3, 100
8, 60
10, 70
5, 70
4, 10
2, 10
1, 10
1, 5
1, 5
0, 0
10, 100 template modified by PE1MEW